12 Week Internship Curriculum

Get to know more about the organization, future projects, and our impact while meeting other interns.

Learn to effectively communicate in professional settings, understand expectations and norms when networking with professionals.

Develop and expand your teamwork skills through presentations and workshops

Learn how to efficiently and effectively manage teams across different settings.

Expand your own ideas and learn how to transform them into real projects.

Learn firsthand from founders about what it takes to start your own organisation.

Practice crafting impactful presentations while presenting your own ideas.

Learn the fundamentals of investing and impact investing, and what you should be doing now to prepare for your future.

Learn and ask questions about the pros and cons of different grad school options.

Research and connect with potential mentors to aid in your reaching your career goals.

Foster a deeper understanding of ethical and empathetic approaches to guide and inspire teams in the realm of innovation and collaboration.

Reflect on your growth, goals, and aspirations, fostering introspection and sharing insights to cultivate personal and professional development.

Sample Week:

We Asked One Of Our Intern’s to Reflect On Their Personal Week. Here’s What It Looks Like:

  • 11am-12pm: Standups - Share What You Accomplished Last Week, What You Plan to Work On, and Any Roadblocks You Have Encountered

    12:30pm-1:30pm: Tutorial on "Managing Up" and Developing Proper Leadership Skills to Manage a Team

    3:30pm-4pm: Ecosystem Investor Search Check-In

    4pm-4:15pm: Follow Up GrayMatters Health Team Meeting for Investor Search

    7pm-7:30pm: BrainMind NYC YouTube Check-In With Intern Team

  • 10am-11am: Lecture on Professional Networking and Career Development

    11:30am-1:30pm: Discussion with Harvard Law School Professor Noel Roycroft About the Legal Formation of Startups

    1:45pm-2:45pm: Neurotechnology Consulting Info Session with NTX Services

  • 11am-11:30am: Networking Call with a Potential Mentor to Learn More About Designing Your Own Startup in the HealthTech/BioTech Industry

    12pm-1:30pm: Student Tutorials -- Present Your Own Pitch for a Startup with the Possibility of Leading a Team of Interns Throughout the Summer to Carry Out Your Idea

    2pm-3pm: Presentation of Your Team's Investor Search Findings to Founder of Non-Invasive BCI Startup

    3:30pm-4pm: Meeting with Diana About Personal Project on Neuroethics Page on BrainMind's Website

    8pm-10pm: Winning Trivia Night at Dugout Cafe with the Interns (Optional Social Activity)

  • 9:30am-11am: Zone of Genius Exercise - Understanding Your Personal Strengths

    12pm-1pm: Guest Mentorship Session with Benjamin Stecher, Discussing the Future of Neuroscience and His Impactful Work with Tomorrow Edition

    3pm-3:30pm: Investor Search Check-In With Hayley

    4pm-4:45pm: Networking Call with Potential Mentor

    8pm-10pm: Paint Night! (Optional Social Activity)

  • 11am-12pm: Student Led Session -- Discover The C.O.D.E. to Your Unique Brain Type with Jim Kwik's Online Assessment and Participate in a Mini Neuroethics Debate

    1pm-2pm: Anna and Hayley's Office Hours -- Meet to Discuss Current Pitch Competition Ideas

    2pm-3pm: BrainMind Projects + Goals Overview

    3:30pm-4pm: Meet with Diana and Humanity Neurotech to Discuss Future Funding for their Startup

    7pm-8:30pm: Dinner at Atlàntico with Interns (Optional Social Activity)